Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://dx.doi.org/10.15165/studgeocam-803
Autore: PERRI, E.
Parole chiave: Arco Calabro - Tirreno - Tettonica e Sedimentazione - Bacini Neogenici - Tettonica Neogenica
Calabrian Arc - Tyrrhenian Sea - Tectonics and Sedimentation - Neogenic Basins - Neogenic Tectonics
Data: 1996
Editore: Università di Camerino
Citazione: Studi geologici camerti, 14, 1996, pp.155-175
Abstract: This work deals the tectonic evolution, since Late Tortonian , of the north-west sector of Calabrian Are, based on geologica! data. Up to Early-Middle Pliocene two fold and thrust systems are observed. The first develops on the Tortonian/Messinian boundary and the second during the Middle Pliocene. Compressive deformations also conditioned the evolution of sin-tectonic and post-tectonic sedimentary basins. Actually the direction of compression of first thrust sistem is ENE-WSW while NW-SE the second. [...]
ISSN: 0392-0631
E' visualizzato nelle collezioni:Volume 14 (1996-97)

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