Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://dx.doi.org/10.15165/studgeocam-817
Data: 1982
Editore: Università di Camerino
Citazione: Studi geologici camerti, n.speciale, 1982, pp.9-11
Abstract: On Monday, 13 th December 1982, at 10,40 p.m. a land­slide occurred on the western suburbs of the city of Ancona (centrai Italy), involving about 2,2 Km' of land along the Adriatic Sea coast, particularly the suburbs of Posatora, Palombella and Borghetto. The disaster damaged 280 buildings, most of them multiple-occupance blocks so that the tota! number of homes affectes was 865. Other types of building was damaged or destroyed: the Faculty of Medicine of Ancona University, the Oncologica! Hospital, the Geriatric Hospital, and so on. The cementery of Grotte di Posatora was also severly damaged. [...]
ISSN: 0392-0631
E' visualizzato nelle collezioni:1986: "La grande frana di Ancona del 13 dicembre 1982"

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Vol. Frana AN Capitolo 1.pdfn.speciale, 1982, pp. 9-11198,12 kBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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