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Authors: ESU, F.
Issue Date: 1982
Publisher: Università di Camerino
Citation: Studi geologici camerti, n. speciale, 1982, pp.127-133
Abstract: The mechanical aspects of the large slide that occurred in Ancona in December 1982 are examined. Tue failed slope has an average grade of 1/6 and is formed of Pliocene heavily over-consolidated, marine clay overlain by a cover of eluvial and colluvial soil. According to old chronicles, and on the basis of the slope morphological characters it is probable that the slope had been affected by large slides also in the past. Site investigations show that the Pliocenic clay is homogeneous throughout the slide area. Seismic refraction surveys, sonic logs in bore-holes, and down-hole tests were car­ried out in order to assess the soil profile,and the in-situ pro­perties of the clay mass. The mechanical properties of the clay matrix were measured on laboratory samples. [...]
ISSN: 0392-0631
Appears in Volumess:1986: "La grande frana di Ancona del 13 dicembre 1982"

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