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Authors: DOGLIONI, C.
Keywords: Thrust tectonics - Mesozoic extension - Venetian Alps
Tettonica di sovrascorrimento - Estensione Mesozoica - Alpi Venete
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: Università di Camerino
Citation: Studi geologici camerti, n. speciale, 1990, pp. 117-129
Abstract: The Venetian Alps are part of the fold and thrust belt of the Southern Alps. The chain is SSE-vergent with a sigma 1 N20°-30°W oriented, and mainly formed during Neogene time. The paper illustrates a few examples of the belt and underlines the influence of the inherited Mesozoic features in controlling the structural evolution of the thrust belt. Fault­bend folding and fault-propagation folding are typical defor­mation mechanisms in the Venetian Alps. The front of the chain is marked by a triangle structure which migrated through time toward the foreland.
ISSN: 0392-0631
Appears in Volumess:1990: Atti del Convegno "NEOGENE THRUST TECTONICS" Esempi da Alpi meridionali, Appennino e Sicilia, Parma, 8-9 Giugno 1990

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