Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://dx.doi.org/10.15165/studgeocam-895
Autore: CALAMITA, F.
Parole chiave: Appennino umbro-sabino - Assetto strutturale - Modalità e tempi di strutturazione neogenica
Umbro-Sabine Apennines - Structural setting - Modes and timing of Neogene deformation
Data: 1995
Editore: Università di Camerino
Citazione: Studi geologici camerti, n. speciale, 1995, pp.153-169
Abstract: Geological and structural analyses carried out in the Umbro-Sabine Apennines (Narni-Amelia Ridge, Martani Mts and Sabine Mts) have evidenced the presence of three main tectonic units which are superimposed along thrusts with a mainly NE vergence. The upper tectonic unit is the Narni-Amelia one, . s1ted in the hanging wall of the NW-SE trending_ N􀀧rni thrus_t pian􀀪, and involved in an overtumed macroantJcline trendmg ax1-ally NW-SE. The footwall of this thrust is represented by the Martani Mts unit, in which minor folds and thrusts (N-S trending) can be recognized. The geometrie relationships be­tween the two units point to a definitive emplacement of the Narni-Amelia unit over that of the already-structured Mar­tani Mts (out of sequence: thrust reactivation). [...]
ISSN: 0392-0631
E' visualizzato nelle collezioni:1995/1: "Geodinamica e tettonica attiva del sistema Tirreno-Appennino"

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Vol. Speciale 1995-1 Capitolo 12.pdfn. speciale, 1995, pp.153-1692,07 MBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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